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Various online and print publications


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Freelance Writer geo_icon Adelaide
Freelance writer and editor geo_icon New Zealand
Helen Hayes
Freelance travel writer, ski writer, contributor and copywriter geo_icon Sydney
Freelance Writer geo_icon Australia
Freelance Entertainment Journalist geo_icon Melbourne, Victoria
Karl Mayerhofer
Freelance writer/subeditor/editor geo_icon Sydney
Lauren Fuge
Science Journalist geo_icon Adelaide, South Australia
Kathy Hunter
Freelance Writer and Editor geo_icon Auckland, Auckland
Wesley Baker
Freelance Photographer geo_icon New South Wales
Candas Kirk
Freelance Copywriter geo_icon Melbourne
Michael Besley
Freelance Writer geo_icon Bendigo, Victoria
Carlie O'Connell
Freelance Writer geo_icon Melbourne
Harley Houghton
Writer geo_icon Sunbury, Victoria
amanda merou
Writer geo_icon Sydney