We've designed Person Lookup to make it is easy as possible to find the information you need.
This includes standard searches for a person by name, state, suburb, etc., as well as reverse searches when
you have a number and want to find out whose it is.
Here are some tips to keep in mind if you can't find what you're looking for:
When searching for a telephone number, try entering part of the number. For example, if
the number is 02 9314 2346, you could enter "9314 2346" and leave off the area code.
When searching using someone's name, use their last name only. We don't have first name
data for everyone, so including it might cause the search to fail.
Include other information, like suburb or post code, if the last name is common and you get too many results.
Combine key details in a single search. You can combine surnames, street names, post
codes, and other key details in a single search. Just separate them with spaces. For example: "Smith Mosman Park", "Johnson WA 6000", "9330 2929", "Wu QLD"