D Timpano holds the account for 0295593959 and is located at 11 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206, Australia.
D Timpano's nearest neighbor is Criniti I at 14 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206.
This number is on the Sydney exchange.
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International dialing: +61 295593959
Not available
Criniti I
0.0 km
14 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
Gil L
0.07 km
1 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
Gough J A
0.07 km
4 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
Kourkoumelis M
0.01 km
16 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
C Nicolis
0.09 km
28a Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
Stevens D
0.02 km
10 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Timpano D
11 Keith St, Earlwood, NSW 2206
D Timpano is recorded as residing at 11 Keith Street, Earlwood. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 572 sqm. 11 Keith Street, Earlwood was last sold for $905,000.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
572 sqm
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Earlwood
Last sold date
Aug 2010
Last sold value
Listed value
over $919,000
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
PeoplePlus Australia
Vito Timpano
( Accounts Payable)
WIN Corporation Pty Ltd
Julia Timpano
( IT Applications Support Officer)
Telstra SNP Monitoring
Andrew Timpano
( Senior Security Technician)
Ballarat Health Services
Catherine Timpano
( Clinical pharmacist)
Rushmore Distributors
Nathan Timpano
( Technical Sales Consultant)
Catholic Education Office, Wollongong
Lynda Timpano
( Teacher)
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