Zafar M holds the account for (02) 9759 0647 and is located at 95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195, Australia.
Zafar M's nearest neighbor is S Elali at 95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195.
Another number — 0280341412 — is also associated with this address.
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(02) 9759 0647
International dialing: +61 297590647
Not available
S Elali
0.0 km
95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
Rasheed A
0.01 km
93 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
Szijarto A
0.0 km
95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
Tamara M
0.0 km
95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
M Uddin
0.0 km
95 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
H Baran
0.01 km
93 Hampden Rd, Lakemba, NSW 2195
Zafar M is recorded as residing at 95 Hampden Road, Lakemba. This is a house. It has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. 95 Hampden Road, Lakemba was last rented for $510.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last rent value
Last rent date
Aug 2015
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Polytechnic West
Basir Zafari
( Student)
Ali Zafari
( student)
The University of Melbourne
Ahmad Zafari
( PhD Candidate)
calm yafarm
( Entrepeneur)
Woodside Energy
Mohammad Zafari
( Senior Reservoir Engineer)
Aziza Zafari
( None)
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