Y Yin holds the account for (02) 9869 1160 and is located at 231 Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121, Australia.
Y Yin's nearest neighbor is Bray A & R at 229 A Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121.
Another number — (02) 9869 7238 — is also associated with this address.
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(02) 9869 1160
International dialing: +61 298691160
Not available
Bray A & R
0.02 km
229 A Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
T W Chan
0.02 km
229 B Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
M Frinking
0.0 km
231 Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
Livesey D J & M E
0.02 km
233 A Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
McLeod B
0.02 km
233 Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
Hooker E
0.02 km
229 A Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Yin Y
231 Midson Rd, Epping, NSW 2121
Y Yin is recorded as residing at 231 Midson Road, Epping. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 752 sqm. 231 Midson Road, Epping was last sold for $822,000. 231 Midson Road, Epping was last rented for $570pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
752 sqm
Last agent
North Nor'West Property - Epping
Last sold date
Mar 2010
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
Apr 2011
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Yin Y.
( Junior Designer/Production Coordinator)
QUT (Queensland University of Technology)
Yinying He
( Student)
Holding Redlich
Yini Chong
( Graduate )
Queensland Building and Construction Commission
Yini Mak
( Senior Finance Officer)
Vodafone Australia
( Customer Service)
IBM Australia
Yini Wang
( Research Scientist)
Victorian Bar
Yini Chong
( Legal administrative and research assistant)
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