Barns R holds the account for (03) 6326 7217 and is located at 28 Cedar St, Newnham, TAS 7248, Australia.
Barns R's nearest neighbor is C Box at 30 Cedar St, Newnham, TAS 7248.
This number is on the Launceston exchange.
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(03) 6326 7217
International dialing: +61 363267217
Not available
C Box
0.01 km
30 Cedar St, Newnham, TAS 7248
Ring E
0.02 km
3 Paringa Ave, Newnham, TAS 7248
Roberts W M
0.03 km
5 Egan St, Newnham, TAS 7248
G Selby
0.01 km
7 Paringa Ave, Newnham, TAS 7248
N Sepek
0.04 km
23a Walkers Ave, Newnham, TAS 7248
Mr W J & J Turner
0.0 km
5 Paringa Ave, Newnham, TAS 7248
This number was previously registered in the following names:
Barns R
28 Cedar St, Newnham, TAS 7248
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Mannix College
Mercedes Barner
( MANNIX COLLEGE SUPERVISOR for Catering Function & Events)
QUT (Queensland University of Technology)
Leonie Barner
( Director Centre for a Waste-Free World / Professor / Principal Research Fellow)
Semi - Retired
John Barner
( Retired)
The Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Ida Barner Madsen
( Senior Research Assistant)
Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Australia
Philip Barner FIEAust CPEng
( Project Manager)
Creative Activation
Augustus Evans-Barns 龙宁
( Brand Ambassador)
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