Ritar R holds the account for 0434 228 826 and is located at 66 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114, Australia.
Ritar R's nearest neighbor is J Crellin at 47 Wentworth St, Woodridge, QLD 4114.
Another number — 0402 046 736 — is also associated with this address.
This number is also associated with Samantha Dennis.
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0434 228 826
International dialing: +61 434228826
Not available
J Crellin
0.01 km
47 Wentworth St, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Edwards V S
0.01 km
60 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Htoo L
0.0 km
66 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Lay A J
0.0 km
66 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Sho A
0.0 km
66 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Ritar R
0.0 km
66 Smith Rd, Woodridge, QLD 4114
Ritar R is recorded as residing at 66 Smith Road, Woodridge. This is a house. It has 3 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, and 1 car spaces. 66 Smith Road, Woodridge was last rented for $300.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Last agent
Logan Central Real Estate - Slacks Creek
Last rent value
Last rent date
Feb 2013
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Rita Rie
( Housekeeping Coordinator)
Rita Pre School
( Ritas cleaning services)
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