Zhan Zhan holds the account for (07) 3889 7836 and is located at 2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500, Australia.
Zhan Zhan's nearest neighbor is Bennett N at 2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500.
This number is on the Brisbane, Bribie Island exchange.
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(07) 3889 7836
International dialing: +61 738897836
Not available
Bennett N
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Bowen P
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Merton P
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Steensen D L
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Walton M M
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Malhi K
0.0 km
2 Nicol Way, Brendale, QLD 4500
Zhan Zhan is recorded as residing at 2 Nicol Way, Brendale. This is a townhouse. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 car spaces. It is situated on a parcel of land of 119 sqm. 2 Nicol Way, Brendale was last sold for $258,000. 2 Nicol Way, Brendale was last rented for $345pw.
Property type
Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Number of car spaces
Block size
119 sqm
Last agent
LJ Hooker - Petrie
Last sold date
Feb 2014
Last sold value
Last rent value
Last rent date
May 2013
There are public records of people with this last name working for these companies.
Zhan Ning Lee CEng MIMechE
( Lead Pipeline Engineer)
abima zhan
( nutrionist)
International House, University of Sydney
Yueting Zhan
( Student Ambassador)
Western Sydney University
Haifei Zhan
( Lecturer)
AMP Capital
Yining Zhan
( Accounting Intern)
King & Wood Mallesons
Yafei Zhan
( Legal Intern)
Hobart City Council
Alin Zhan
( Volunteer)
China Life Insurance Co.Ltd
Yiyun Zhan
( Customer Service Intern)
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
Zhan Lim
( Medical Registrar)
Queensland Government
Zhan Patterson
( Engagement Manager)
Zhan Spalding
( Surveillance Manager)
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