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Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education on Job Lookup.

Aliia Dorohokuplia
Course coordinator 40110TAE geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Head of School Higher Education geo_icon Brisbane, Queensland
Mike Tupper
Lecturer B, VET Coordinator Business (Certs I-III) geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
meredith Neeson
Lecturer Early Childhood Education and Care geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Samantha Crossman
Director Executive Services geo_icon Darwin, Northern Territory
Melissa Raymond
Campus Librarian geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Suzanne Campbell
Human Resources Advisor geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Melissa Fitzpatrick
Human Resources Operations Advisor geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Andrew Milner
Facilities and Infrastructure manager geo_icon Darwin
Sharna Edwards
Mentor - Australian Indigenous Development Program geo_icon Australia
Pene Curtis
Tutor geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Adam Woodgate
Manager, eLearning Support & Information Management geo_icon Darwin, Northern Territory
John Barber
Lecturer geo_icon Darwin
Trevor Osborne
ICT Project Manager geo_icon Darwin
Stephanie Barber
Student Services Manager geo_icon Darwin
Lawrence Webster
Senior Lecturer geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Bruce Garnett
Lecturer geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Jodie Angell
Accounts Payable Clerk geo_icon Darwin
Norelle Brown (Berlin)
Fleet Manager geo_icon Darwin, Northern Territory
Alison Hoy
Administration Officer geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Beverley Watters
Lecturer geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Rick Fleming
RRACSSU Project Officer geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Pilar Cubillo
Lecturer/Course Coordinator geo_icon Australia
Education Support Tutor geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Pornthip Moulding
Lecturer B geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Joan OReilly
Residential Manager geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Marie Khan
Student Travel Officer geo_icon Australia
Janice Ford
Teacher Education Lecturer geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory
Amanda McMillan
Visual Art Lecturer B Remote Central Desert geo_icon Batchelor, Northern Territory
Vanessa Farrelly
Arrernte Language Project Officer geo_icon Minyerri, Northern Territory