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University of Canterbury


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see University of Canterbury on Job Lookup.

Aroon O'Brien
Law Student geo_icon Christchurch Metropolitan Area
Janina Gillies
Teaching Assistant geo_icon Canterbury
Phoebe Clements
Teaching Assistant geo_icon Christchurch Metropolitan Area
Emma Power
Research Communications Writer geo_icon Christchurch, Canterbury
Nathan Riki
University Lecturer geo_icon New Zealand
Ella Stensness
Marketing Assistant geo_icon Christchurch Metropolitan Area
Linda Chen
Postdoctoral Researcher geo_icon New Zealand
Percy Chan
International Mobility Co-ordinator (Student Exchange) geo_icon New Zealand
Jane Clifford
Student teacher final year, currently job seeking geo_icon Canterbury
Matthew Turnbull
Professor geo_icon Canterbury
Carly Miller
Student Teacher geo_icon Canterbury
Rachelle C'Ailceta
International Applications Team Leader geo_icon Canterbury
Ashleigh Templeton
Student geo_icon Christchurch, Canterbury
Ruth Ramsay
Speech and Language Therapist / Clinical Educator geo_icon Templeton, Canterbury
Angela van Diepen
Scientific Compliance Technician geo_icon Christchurch, Canterbury
Ken Wells
Adjunct Professor geo_icon Canterbury
David Read
Engineering technician & RC Stig geo_icon Canterbury
Emily Major
Roots & Shoots Coordinator geo_icon Christchurch Metropolitan Area
Pedro Lee
Professor geo_icon New Zealand
Kate Wislang
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant geo_icon Canterbury
maria-victoria perez-y-perez
Senior Lecturer geo_icon New Zealand
Shao Wei
Research Assistant geo_icon Christchurch, Canterbury
Jennifer Brown
Head of School geo_icon Canterbury
Walter Guttmann
Academic Assistant geo_icon Canterbury
Antonella Urli
Laboratory Assistant geo_icon Christchurch Metropolitan Area
Tessa Hiscox
Undergraduate lab demonstrator geo_icon Canterbury
Suzanne Dean
Senior Human Resources Advisor geo_icon Canterbury
Sy Trinh
Academic Tutor geo_icon Canterbury
Laura Dunlop
SELO Facilitator geo_icon Canterbury
Hironori Suzuki
Postdoctoral Fellow geo_icon Canterbury