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University of New South Wales


For full search capability and more complete coverage, see University of New South Wales on Job Lookup.

  • Address High St , 2052 Kensington Grove , Queensland - Australia
  • Phone 02 9385 1000
  • Website
  • About Scientific And Technical Research Organisations
PhD Student geo_icon Sydney Area
PHD Candidate geo_icon Sydney
Private tutor and lab demonstartor geo_icon Sydney
Lecturer geo_icon Sydney
Java Developer geo_icon Sydney
David Garbutt
Desktop Systems Engineer geo_icon Sydney
Professor and Director of Electron Microscopy geo_icon New Zealand
Postdoctoral Research Fellow geo_icon Sydney Area
Team Member, Digitisation & Collection Access geo_icon Sydney
Student geo_icon Sydney
Emeritus Professor geo_icon Sydney
Materials Science and Engineering geo_icon Sydney
Master of Petroleum Engineering geo_icon Perth
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow geo_icon Canberran Capital Territory
Tutor/ demonstrator at UNSW geo_icon Sydney
Senior Lecturer geo_icon Australia
Infrastructure Consultant geo_icon Sydney
Greg Vass
Lecturer geo_icon Australia
Malcolm Pearse
Adjunct Tutor and Guest Lecturer in Criminology geo_icon Sydney
Weng-Lock Mok
Solutions Analyst geo_icon Sydney
Jane Kohlhoff
Senior Lecturer geo_icon Sydney
Christina Rofe
Project Manager geo_icon Sydney
Academic geo_icon Sydney
Xavier Brennan
Junior medical officer geo_icon Sydney
Finance and Admin geo_icon Sydney
Yajie (Jessica) Jiang
Postdoctoral Writing Fellowship geo_icon Sydney
Teaching Assistant geo_icon Kensington
Manager Curriculum: Research, Evaluation & Development geo_icon Sydney
Merlinde Kay
Senior Lecturer geo_icon Sydney, New South Wales
Ralph Hall
Professor geo_icon Sydney